
Friday, February 26, 2016

SPGI 2015 - The Cafeteria

St. Louis Trip, Day 2 - Day 7
As I noted in my post about our dorm, our $300 (per person) for the week covered room *and* board: 3 meals a day at the Webster University cafeteria. I do not generally eat three full meals every day. I eat breakfast and lunch (dinner), and then have a light snack for supper, and I snack any time throughout the day when I may be hungry.
So, eating three meals a day (since they were already paid for!) was a challenge.  The first couple days I did it, but by the end of the week, I really had to lighten up on how much I ate every meal!  We became convinced that were it not for all the walking a person has to do on campus, students who eat regularly at a cafeteria would be quite overweight.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blogging Love!

I never win giveaways.  That is just one of the facts of life, and I've grown accustomed to it.  But I still enter them every now and then just for fun.  Early this month I entered Kelly-Anne's Celebrating Love giveaway at  Beautiful Girlhood.
A few days later, I was *shocked* to receive an email from Kelly-Anne saying I had won this lovely wall-hanging created by her sister.  If I were not a semi-libertarian I might suggest that bloggers be required to have giveaway insurance liability policies to cover the potential health risk caused by shock to the winners.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Book Review: Chess Puzzle Learning Levels, Volume I

I love playing chess, but studying chess has always been a chore.  Most chess books are terribly boring, especially the ones heavy on puzzles.  I enjoy Silman's chess books because he adds enough humor to make his lessons palatable.  But I had never met a chess puzzle book I loved (or even liked) until I met Wyckoff's Chess Puzzle Learning Levels.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

SPGI 2015 - Dorm Life

St. Louis Trip, Day 2, Saturday, July 25, 2015
We were in St. Louis for the Susan Polgar Girl's Invitational because my youngest sister had won the Iowa Girls Chess Championship and was representing Iowa at the event.  My other sister (Charity) and I were both returning as alumnae, since we had participated in the Invitational in 2012.  Papa traveled with us as bodyguard and chauffeur.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

St. Louis Zoo

St. Louis Trip, Day 2 - Saturday, July 25, 2015
It's high time I finish my series on our St. Louis trip last summer.  Our next stop after visiting Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery was the St. Louis Zoo.   We had heard it was very impressive, and since my sister loves animals, we really wanted to see it.  The only problem?  Everyone else in the city seemed to want to visit the zoo!  There was a long line of cars waiting to find parking.
After spending 20 minutes trying to find parking, we were almost discouraged enough to head back to our dorms, as we had to be at Webster University at 4:30 p.m. for chess game analysis.  But, we finally found a spot and headed into the zoo at 1:40, giving ourselves 2 hours before we had to leave and find our way back.  

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Book Review: A More Perfect Union

At the Ben Carson book signing at Barnes and Nobles in Waterloo back in October, I purchased Carson's 2015 book, A More Perfect Union for $20.  Carson signed it on the front page.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Caucus 2016

Seven Carsons in my close family voted--my parents, grandparents, a couple siblings, and myself.  Between us, we voted for five candidates: Cruz, Trump, Carson, Huckabee, and Paul--quintupling our chances of selecting a winner.  I love my family!  We're united in voting our consciences and standing for what we believe in.

Monday, February 1, 2016

My Decision - 2016

Would you like to have a very easy time deciding for which of the candidates to vote?  Here's a word of advice: *don't* go meet them all.  Just go meet the one you have a preconceived notion you will like; imagine everyone else is a villain, and vote.  
But you've taken the hard way with me through my candidate series, so let's see if we can reach an educated decision.