
Monday, August 1, 2016

Coffee Time Cake

Some of you may remember my friend Kathleen Franck, whom I interviewed last year in November (you can read the interview and see Kathleen's amazing photography here).  I first ran into Kathleen on the campaign trail, as she and I both were stalking presidential candidates.
Recently she gave me a copy of her church's cookbook, Let These Gifts to Us Be Blessed by St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool, and told me it had a couple of her own recipes in it.  Neither Kathleen or I particularly love to spend copious amounts of time cooking, so I figured her recipes would be safe to try.  

I ran to the store and picked up cream cheese and pecans, and substituted 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup vegetable shortening for the margarine.
Coffee Time Cake
1/2 cup margarine
1-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 bananas)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2-1/4 cup flour
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 cup chopped pecans
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. sugar

Combine margarine, cream cheese, and sugar, mixing until well blended.  Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.  Blend in bananas and vanilla.  Sift dry ingredients together; gradually add to batter.  Mix together nuts, cinnamon, and sugar.  Fold half of the nut mixture into the batter.  Pour batter into greased and floured 13x9-inch baking pan; sprinkle with remaining nut mixture.  Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
I like to prepare my coffee cake the evening before, place the pan in the refrigerator, and then bake it in the morning for an effortless breakfast.  

Kathleen's recipe for Coffee Time Cake tastes very good and wholesome.  The pecans add nutrition and interest, while the bananas add flavor and sweetness.  Thanks for sharing, Kathleen!
Gordon and Kathleen Franck
What are some of your favorite breakfast recipes?


  1. Hello Dearest Bethany!
    Cake looks very appetizing.
    I would like to try this sweet delight.
    Thank you very much for presenting provision.
    Greetings from Polish to you, Kathleen and Gordon.


  2. great cake. My favourite is poppy cake.. Greetings from Europe

  3. wish i could come through the screen and try some. looks yummy. ( :

    1. Too bad we bloggers can't offer 3D printable free samples with recipes!

  4. Hi sweet Bethany! My oh my, what a scrumptious looking cake! It looks so fluffy too :)

    Thank you for sharing the recipe. Have a delightful day! Hugs!

    1. It was delicious--so glad Kathleen gave me the recipe! Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie!

  5. So good ans with the pecans, I know I'd enjoy a piece or two! Great idea to prepare the night before!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Nice looking cake!

    Long time no 'see' - how are you? Hope all is well.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. It has been a while! I've been quite well, thanks! Will head over to your blog to catch up a little. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. The cake looks good. I've never had a coffee cake with bananas in it.

    1. This may be the first time I've had a coffee cake with bananas in it myself...but I love banana bread and banana cake, so it was a winner for me!

  8. Glad you enjoyed the coffee cake!!!!

  9. Mmmm...there's nothing like a great coffee cake and this one looks heavenly! I went to your other posts and checked out her photos. They are truly amazing!

  10. Some of my very favorite recipes are from church cookbooks...and I am not keen on cooking either :) I'm glad you found a recipe you liked. xx

    1. There are many other recipes in the book that probably would be good to try, but I'm not a very adventurous cook. I generally like to stick with the old-reliables (like chocolate chip cookies...), but it is nice to find a new recipe worth making every so often.

  11. I just made muffins for the first time in years. I messed up and made them mini-muffins by accident.

    1. Sometimes the best concoctions are arrived at by accident.

  12. This looks so delicious! And the recipe is so easy; my favourite type :)

    1. I generally try to avoid recipes that are not easy. :)

  13. Oh my goooooooodness! I love cake more than anything else in the world!
    Thank you SO much for sharing this recipe- it sounds so yummy!

    Many blessings!

    1. May you be blessed with many pieces of delicious cake! Take care. :)

  14. I am the other way, if I heard someone didn't enjoy spending time in the kitchen, I would likely, pass on doing their stuff. But it looks like you had some fun.

    1. I had fun eating it...eating is pretty much my favorite part of cooking! ;)

    2. Thanks for stopping by, Happy Whisk!

  15. My mom makes a cake very similar to this (minus the margarine) and when eaten with coffee, it truly is a delight!

  16. Hi Bethany, This cake looks really good and sounds like it will be excellent with my morning coffee. To make it PERFECT, I will need to follow your method: "I like to prepare my coffee cake the evening before, place the pan in the refrigerator, and then bake it in the morning for an effortless breakfast." Thanks to Kathleen for the recipe and Thank You for the post! :-)

    1. Doing the work the evening before makes it seem a lot easier!
