
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Serendipity Ice Cream

St. Louis Trip, Day 6, Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Wednesday evening in St. Louis, our friend Kate, Karen's rommate, said she had noticed an ice cream shop on her way in to town, and suggested we stop there.  So, we walked the few blocks from our dorm to Serendipity Ice Cream.
It had been very warm all week (except for whenever it rained), so ice cream was a welcome treat.  We had spent the evening before at the volleyball court, which was a lot of fun--but had left us drenched in sweat.  Eating ice cream was a much less strenuous activity!

 Serendipity seemed like a popular place; there was quite the line ordering ice cream.  Sundaes were $6.25.  Shakes and malts were $4.25.  Regular cones were $2.99.  There were all sorts of flavors to choose from, some of which I had never seen before.  

I, as usual, ordered mint chip.  A more adventurous person might think ordering the same type of ice cream everywhere would be boring, but it's not!  There's nothing quite the same as cool, refreshing mint with chocolate.  The Serendipity flavor tasted a little different from the mint chip I'm used to at home--adding the perfect touch of variety.
 If I recall correctly, Kate (left) had bubble-gum flavored ice cream, and Karen (right) had butter pecan.  One of my sisters had a banana split, and my father had a chocolate-dipped cone with peanuts.  I don't remember what Karen's dad, Mike, and my other sister ordered; but everyone seemed pleased with their choices.
We noticed other girls and their families from the SPGI chess camp at the ice cream shop as well.  And a father was playing chess against his son at another table.  

I've never tasted bad ice cream, so it's hard for me to imagine how an ice cream shop could not be a good place to stop.  Everything at Serendipity seemed nice and clean, and the staff worked efficiently to keep the line moving.
Stopping at Serendipity was a great idea from Kate, and a wonderful time spent with family and friends!  I would definitely consider returning if I am ever in the area again on a hot summer day.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream and why?


  1. Ooooh, ice cream is always a good idea :) We have a little place here in town that sells ice cream, shakes, and all that goodness and tonight after church my husband, son, and I enjoyed a shake. I had a strawberry one with fresh strawberries - so good!

    Enjoy the remainder of your week. Hugs!

    1. Shakes are good! For a while I liked to enjoy McDonald's strawberry milkshakes on our way home from chess tournaments. But then they started seeming a bit too sweet. I'm sure fresh strawberries must have made the shake you had delicious--sure to beat McDonald's!

  2. An ice cream is always a very enjoyable summer time treat for us! What flavour did you choose?

    1. I had mint-chip, otherwise known as grasshopper ice cream.

  3. Yum! Ice Cream in any flavor of Chocolate is good! Looks like a great place to cool off from the summer heat. I'm a sight bit envious that you're in MO. :)

    1. That was last year, but it was a *lot* of fun! And I haven't been skimping on ice cream too much this year either.

  4. I always try to check out an ice cream place at least once.

    1. That probably is a very good decision on your part. :) Checking out an ice cream place is something I seldom regret!

  5. I'm with you -- ice cream is (almost) always good. I enjoy mint chocolate chip, too, but my current favorite ice cream is from Target! It's their store brand, Market Pantry, in peanut butter fudge. Not expensive and super!

    1. Hmmm...I don't think I've ever tried ice cream from Target! Peanut butter fudge does sound delicious though!

  6. That mint chocolate chip icecream looks amazing. I will definitely be visiting Serendipty Icecream when I am in the area.

  7. Looks so fun! Great choice on mint chocolate chip! I love any kind with peanut butter or banana!

    1. Peanut butter is good on almost everything. For a while I used to eat peanut butter on my apple pie and vanilla ice cream! Maybe it runs in the family. ;)

  8. Hello Dear Bethany!

    I love ice cream. Most lemon and pistachio.
    I ate ice cream in every European country. I believe that the Italian are the greatest.

    1. That is awesome that you've gotten to try ice cream in each of the countries of Europe! Lemon and pistachio sound like interesting flavors!

  9. Oh, I like this! :) I don't have a big sweet tooth but ice cream is one thing that I love. I suppose I'm not really adventurous with this treat since I typically settle on the same favourite flavours if they're available: chocolate chip, vanilla, cookies and cream, cookie dough and butter pecan. Chocolate chip is always my number one choice. I love the taste when you chew the chocolate chips and they mix with the vanilla!

    1. The favorite flavors are favorites for a reason! Of the ones you mentioned, I think I like cookie dough the best. But the way you describe eating the chocolate chip ice cream sure makes it sound good!

  10. Oh, wow, you are making me hungry! My sweet husband just surprised me today and bought me a carton of salted caramel no sugar added!! I can't wait to try it and will try to eat it sparingly to make it last a long time...and to not sabotage my walking/weight loss endeavors! LOL! Ice cream is one of my favorite things in the world to eat! Thank you for sharing about this lovely shop! Blessings to you, my friend. :)

    1. Sounds good! The other day I had a chocolate-coated ice cream bar and a banana the evening before a run--and the next morning I felt better than ever running. I wonder if ice-cream may be good for runners/walkers. Wouldn't that be nice? :D Enjoy!

  11. I also love the combo of mint and chocolate together. And back when I ate dairy (a million years ago it seems), I would order mint chip or chocolate chip mint (depending on how it was worded at the shoppes), all the time as well.

    Have a yummy weekend :-)

    1. You know what's good! At least you can still eat Thin Mints (I hope). Chocolate and mint are hard to beat!

    2. No, no Thin Mints for me. But I do make my own homemade chocolates and stuff. But if it comes in a package on a shelf, it's off my list. Or, if I don't make it, I don't eat it. Either way, it works.

    3. Homemade is best! Good thing you like cooking! :)

    4. Love, love, love it. Yes.

      Have a great weekend and boogie boogie.

  12. Hi Bethany, How can I start a comment any better than #1 Stephanie: "Ooooh, ice cream is always a good idea." How true! To answer your question, my fave is Spumoni. Are you familiar with it? Wikipedia explains it this way: a molded Italian ice cream made with layers of different colors and flavors, usually containing candied fruits and nuts. Having said that, I can't really say it is much better than mint chip! :-) Serendipity sounds great! What a neat post ... thanks Bethany!

    1. I can't say the name Spumoni rang a bell, but after looking it up and seeing pictures, I believe I have tried it--or something very similar--before!

  13. My favorite flavour of ice cream is lucuma, because it tastes really good. I don't know if you know this flavour, but with us is popular, because the fruit, from which is made, grows here. More flavours that I like are chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and chirimoya. The last is another fruit that grows with us. Eis and coffee together tastes good as well.

    1. I haven't heard of either lucuma or chirimoya! I will have to look them up! They sound interesting. Thanks for stopping by, Enrique!

  14. Nice! Ice cream shops are always a welcome treat during the heat of summer. My dad would totally agree with you on mint chocolate chip ice cream. He rarely eats any other kind. I usually tend to be more adventurous. I think the most unique ice cream flavor I've had was coffee flavored. I didn't get any sleep that night but it was worth it!

    1. I don't think I've ever tried coffee-flavored, probably because I am not much of a fan of coffee! But it's hard to imagine ice cream *not* tasting good! It sounds like your dad has very good tastes!

  15. Hmm. I have never tasted bad ice cream either. My favorite is butter pecan. Although I do like ice cream mixed with nuts or fruit or other items.

    1. Butter pecan isn't bad! At Culvers, you can pick whatever flavors/toppings you want on concrete-mixers (which are sort of like ice cream). Today I tried mint with cookie dough and Reeses peanut butter cups. It was surprising how awesome that combination tasted!
