
Friday, August 5, 2016

Meetup at Plaza Veracruz

Nela Holmes, who blogs at Beloved Star, and I have been friends for the past six years.  Occasionally we meet up to chat and review a restaurant.  Recently, when I asked her out, she recommended the Plaza Veracruz in Hampton, Iowa as a great place for some authentic Mexican food!
When we arrived shortly before 5:00, we were apparently the first customers to show up for dinner.  A lady showed my grandma (Yai) and I to a table, and brought us menus, water, chips, and salsa.  Nela soon joined us.

After spending a few minutes reading the menu, which was filled with delicious-sounding dishes, I decided to go with a chicken enchilada ranchera ($7.95).  Yai also opted for chicken enchiladas and hot tea, and Nela chose a dish that included seafood and tortillas.

The Mexican lady taking our order spoke very little English, which gave me a chance to practice my Spanish skills--which are in dire need of practice!  My Spanish sounds so bad: I am usually too embarrassed to speak it. So I was grateful for the chance to try a few words, and also grateful for the lady's patience with my grammar!  We knew we were in for a real, authentic Mexican dinner!

And we were not disappointed.  My enchiladas were delicious.  They were a little spicier than I'm used too (I'm not very adventurous); but I liked them.  They were also very filling, and it was a challenge to finish off my plate.  Nela described her meal as very flavorful, and Yai thought her enchiladas were good.
The back room of the Plaza Veracruz is a bar (which I thought unusual for a self-styled "family restaurant"), but no one was there.  As diners began to fill the booths beside us for dinner, the restaurant maintained a pleasant, family-friendly aura.  

I enjoyed chatting with Nela and Yai, and I was very satisfied with my visit to Plaza Veracruz.  Thanks, Nela, for recommending it!  Be sure to check out Nela's blog, Beloved Star, for photos from her trip to Peru!  
Do you like Mexican food?  What is your favorite cuisine?


  1. I love that you got to practice your Spanish and get a good meal.

    Happy Weekend :-)

  2. interesting restaurant and food looks yummy

  3. How wonderful that you got a chance to practice Spanish. And it looks like a nice place to visit. I enjoy trying new foods although I'm not overly adventurous. I search the menu for things that I'm sure I'll enjoy. But I'm always game to try different cuisines: Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Vietnamese, Spanish, German, Lebanese, Portuguese, Thai, and on and on. You name it, I'm game.

    1. If I would go there for dinner every day, it would do my (pathetic) Spanish-speaking skills a lot of good. I might gain a little weight though! It sounds like you may be more adventurous than I--you have a few cuisines down that I haven't tried yet!

  4. Oh, yum! Zach and I walked to a Mexican Restaurant last night. It was soooo good. Since we were walking, I didn't feel quite as guilty for eating all those carbs!!! Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend. :)

    1. A little exercise can do a lot of good! Glad you had a great Mexican dinner!

  5. What great fun to meet up with a fellow blogger friend for a meal and review!
    That was a very large meal and the last Mexican meal I had was chicken enchiladas but normally I prefer Chinese food!

    1. Great company makes an evening so much better! I was very full by the time I finished my enchiladas. Chicken enchiladas are awesome! But I was surprised how soon I was hungry again afterward!

  6. My appetite is rather limited from being a vegetarian and hating anything with spicy tastes. I also won't eat anything I don't know what it is first. My wife Daisy on the other hand will eat anything that is given to her almost.

    1. Sounds like you two make a good couple! If there's any doubt about anything, Daisy can try it first and let you know if it's good!

  7. Hi Bethany, As I have told you before, you seriously need to consider going into Marketing! This place sounds so good I'm ready to head to Iowa! I grew up in Texas so I've got plenty of experience with north-of-the-Mexican-border Mexican food. Your plate of enchiladas, rice, and refried beans looks perfectly classic! I do love chicken enchiladas and there was a restaurant in Texas called El Chicos ... They had a special dish of chicken enchiladas with a sour cream sauce. Oh my, would I love a plate of those right now! :-) OK, I've got Plaza Veracruz on my list of spots to stop when I get to Iowa. Thanks for the post and have a fine weekend!

    1. Sour cream with chicken enchiladas sounds absolutely wonderful! You are going to have to make a trip out here one of these days; there are a lot of great places to visit! Have an awesome weekend as well.

  8. Hello Bethany!
    Very interesting restaurant.
    I love spicy food. I like the Hungarian cuisine and Mexican.
    Greetings from Poland.

    1. I don't think I've ever tried Hungarian food! It would be interesting to taste, though I'm not much of a fan of very spicy food.

  9. Mexican is my favorite. This looks like a great place!

  10. Mmm looks good! Mexican restaurants are my favorite to go to. Maybe it has something to do with the fact my grandmother is Mexican. :)

    1. That's neat! Mexican food can be pretty awesome!
