
Monday, August 8, 2016

Rite on 175

Right on Highway 175 in Eldora, Iowa, there is a little diner called Rite on 175.  Since I live near Eldora, I've stopped there before for ice cream treats; their ice cream sandwiches are particularly refreshing on a hot day!
This June, we had to take a vehicle in to the tire shop next door.  Since this diner was on my list of places to blog about, my brother Daniel (who had to take care of the tire), grandma Siripon Schunk (who is visiting for the summer from Nevada), and I decided to go out and have lunch together.
Daniel ordered a taco salad, the special of the day.  I ordered a hot beef sandwich, and Grandma (Yai) ordered half a hot beef sandwich.  Everything was affordable--average diner prices.  

What really shocked me was how quickly everything was served!  I am used to waiting a little while after I order.  Some diners take enough time to kill a cow before serving sandwiches.  This place was as fast or faster than McDonalds!

As a self-styled connoisseur of hot beef sandwiches, I would not rate this sandwich as good as the Wild Carrot's hot beef since the bread was ordinary (not as good quality) and everything was a pinch too salty.  Despite the minor flaws, the sandwich was heavenly, and I will not hesitate to order hot beef again.

Daniel said his taco salad was good, and Yai was pleased with the hot beef as well. I am content if a restaurant is clean, but this diner was not just clean, it was spiffy!  I liked the decor. 
Rite on 175 is a place I'd definitely recommend if you want fast service, good food, and a pleasant atmosphere.


  1. It sounds like a place we would like. It was nice seeing your grandmother too. She looks very young!

    1. She's a beautiful grandmother! Thanks for stopping by, Mari!

  2. Ha ha ha! "Enough time to kill a cow!" You crack me up! :D I like those kind of sandwiches too. ~Lisa

    1. When I was little, my parents always used to speculate on how fresh the meat was going to be when restaurants took a long time to prepare a meal. ;)

  3. What a sweet dinky diner! Say 'Hello' to your dear grandmother too! Nice to 'meet' her!

  4. Cute name for a diner. I haven't had a hot roast beef sandwich in an age.

  5. As I was reading and looking at the pictures, I was thinking about how clean it looks! I can put up with a lot, if a restaurant is clean! So happy you had a great experience and good quality time with your loved ones. :)

    1. They do say cleanliness is next to godliness...I have yet to find that in the Bible though. ;)

  6. Bethany,
    Your grandmother is a charming and beautiful woman. I like it very much.
    Dinner looks very appetizing.
    Greetings from Poland.

  7. Sounds like a place I would enjoy!

  8. Looks like a nice little place! Love the unique name.

  9. It looks like a lovely and bright place. And your brother and grandma look very happy. It's fun visiting small and independent restaurants. They tend to have unique menus.

    1. It was a beautiful day. Yes, it's good to get some variety, though I tend to order the same few dishes at most places I stop. It's interesting to compare them from one diner to another. Maybe one of these times I should try something more adventurous!

  10. Hi Bethany, I'm adding another place to my list of places to see in Iowa. :-) Your hot beef sandwich looks delicious! This post is just "Rite" for another entry in your Tourist Guide to Iowa!

    1. Thanks John! Your last remark made me smile. I'm thinking about adding a clickable map on one of the pages with all these places sorted by counties, so my blog would be a little more tourist-friendly.

  11. This place is super cute! Glad you enjoyed the sandwich. :)
