
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Thai Basil Chicken

At the risk of this becoming a food blog (considering six of the eight posts this past month directly involve food), I'd like to share one of my grandmother's wonderful recipes, Thai Basil Chicken.
Can you guys imagine how heavenly it has been to eat authentic Thai food on a regular basis for the past couple months?  I asked Yai to show me (and my readers) how to make one of my favorites of her delicious dishes.  She graciously obliged.

Thai Basil Chicken
1 cup cream of coconut (or coconut milk) 
1 cup water
2 chicken bouillon cubes
1/3 cup onions
1/4 teaspoon ground chili paste
2 sliced skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 small bell pepper, sliced
7 fresh basil leaves
18 green beans, French sliced
seasoning salt (optional)
soy sauce (optional)
curry (optional)
steamed rice

Prepare ingredients as directed above, slicing chicken breasts and French slicing beans.  In a large saucepan on high heat, bring the cream of coconut, water, and bouillon cubes to a boil while constantly stirring.   
Add onions, chicken, and chili paste, and simmer till the chicken is no longer pink.  Add pepper, basil leaves, and green beans.  Simmer, stirring occasionally, till the chicken is cooked and the beans are tender.  Add seasoning salt, soy sauce, or curry to taste, or eat as is (my preference).  Serve with rice.
Thank you, Yai, for a great recipe and many wonderful meals!

Have you ever eaten Thai food?
Do you remember any recipes your grandparents taught you?


  1. Oh wonderful to have had your grandmother sharing all her delicious recipes and cooking secrects with you! This dish sounds amazing...I love Thai food!
    Hugs and love to you, friend!

    1. I was particularly happy this recipe was not too hard. I have yet to try it on my own, but it looks doable!

    2. Thank you for sharing one of your favorite recipes from your grandmother, Bethany! It sounds so tasty and I would love to try it.

    3. It's good--oh, just thinking about it now, I'm feeling hungry! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. You know, it is amazing that you shared this right now! We just discovered a Thai restaurant near where we are living, and we were just saying how we have never tried Thai food. I wouldn't have known what to order. But, now I do! Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm so happy you are enjoying your dear grandmother while she is with you!

    1. Be careful--my grandma is really light on the the chili since she knows we have sensitive American tastes. This recipe is not spicy at all, but from what I've heard, typical Thai restaurant fair can be very hot! So make sure whatever you order is not too spicy for you. All the best!

  3. This looks so good, thanks to Yai & you for sharing!
    Unfortunately the one & only time we tried Thai take out food, it was not to our liking but this seems much tastier!

    1. Homemade food is often better. :) Thanks for stopping by, Christine!

  4. Hi Bethany, Thanks to you and Yai for providing us with such a delicious sounding recipe. I have not tried Thai food, but I certainly would like this dish. Thank you very much for your blog visits/comments. It was interesting to learn that you have peach trees too. I'm thankful your friend provided you with more peaches for canning. It is such a blessing to have canned fruit/veggies during the winter months.
    Wishing you a wonderful evening.

    1. It is hard to beat canned peaches or frozen strawberries on a cold winter day!

  5. Goodness gracious...I suppose I should have not opened this post at 11:00 am here in Germany. Still two more hours til lunch! Looks amazing :)

  6. Hi Bethany, Good Morning to you. I had to smile about Keith's comment (Optimistic Existentialist) because it's about 4:30 AM in Seattle and way too long until lunch! Can I try this for breakfast? :-) It looks delicious. Thanks for the excellent instructions ... I will give it a try. Yes, I do like Thai! Not too spicy, tho! :-) Yes, my grandmother's smothered steak is still one of my favorite meals. It's cube steak cooked in an onion/mushroom gravy. Even my Micro Manager loves it and she eats very little meat. Have a great weekend ahead!

    1. I actually just read an article on another friend's blog about how we shouldn't discriminate against non-traditional breakfast foods at breakfast time, so you can totally try this for breakfast! :) I don't think I personally have ever tried chicken for breakfast, it will be interesting! I'm with you on preferring food not too spicy. Your grandmother's smothered steak sounds worth a try!

  7. Oh this looks and sounds SO good!! I LOVE Thai food. ;) My Bro was in Thailand a bit through the military (he's a green beret) and has made some dishes for us before and they're so flavorful. ;) What a treat for you. xoxo

    1. Oh, wow! How neat that your brother's a green beret--and knows how to cook Thai food!

  8. Oh my gosh...this looks so delicious. You are so fortunate to have a grandma teaching you these wonderful recipes. I LOVE Thai food. I am saving this recipe and I will definitely be making it. Thank you for sharing it. And please thank your grandmother, too!

    1. Both of my grandmas are wonderful cooks! I'm so glad they've taken the time to give me a few pointers!

  9. This looks so good! I like Thai food and this one looks quite easy.
    All but one of my grandparents had passed away by the time I was 6 months old, and the one that was still living was a grandpa who didn't cook. I was always jealous of kids in school who were able to spend time with their grandparents. I'm glad you've had that opportunity.

    1. It is a wonderful blessing! Thanks for stopping by, Mari!

  10. Bethany,
    I congratulate grandmother, who cooks great food.

  11. I missed this post from before. Looks goooooooood.
