Goodbye, dear Grandpa

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Growing up we always loved when Grandpa and Grandma would come over for dinner. Sometimes we (and by we I mean my younger siblings) would try to block their way to the door after their visit because we didn’t want them to leave. I think that’s how many of us felt over the past few weeks. We weren’t ready for Grandpa to go. I don’t think we ever could be.

I remember how excited I was putting on my shoes in the back of our pickup camper as we neared Grandpa and Grandma's (Harry and Colleen Carson's) farmhouse after a long trip. It was one of the great happinesses of my childhood that my parents chose to move only 5 miles from Grandma and Grandpa's house. Our Grandparents were always there to make our birthdays, Thanksgivings, and New Years Eves a little more special. When we got a little older we had a lot of fun going to train shows with them. Papa and Grandpa took us on a bike ride on Highway 20 before the segment of highway near our home opened, which will always be one of our claims to fame. 

Faith in the Journey

Sunday, November 17, 2019

This afternoon I visited my blog looking for a photo from a couple years back, and I realized how much I missed the chance to reflect that this platform provides. Life gets busy. Work can be demanding. Stress can be overwhelming. But there's beauty in the simplicity of taking a moment to relax, contemplate and have faith in the God who holds our every tomorrow.
Today I'll share a few photos from the trip I took to Juneau, Alaska with my mama and sister this July, along with some of my favorite encouraging quotes. Those who are connected with me on social media may have already seen the photos–but since I may be the only one still visiting this corner of the blogosphere, who cares?

Tea cup exchange 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose hosts an annual tea cup exchange. I participated in the exchange in 2016, sending a tea cup to Carrie and receiving one from Alena. I sat out last year, but this spring the urge to join in again was brewing inside me. I don't drink much tea at all, but there's something special about pretty tea cups and meeting new friends.
Joining the exchange, everyone fills out a form to describe their tastes and what they'd like. I'm just in this for the fun of it, so I said "Surprise me!" And what a delightful surprise this tea cup from Amy Fields was! Just like my previous exchange partner, Alena, Amy calculated my tastes to a T(ea).

Grundy County Heritage Museum

Thursday, December 28, 2017

In July 2016, Yai and I visited the Grundy County Museum. There are several buildings on the museum grounds. Perhaps most impressive is the old public school. But tours start in the newer museum building, so we had to walk around the grounds to the other side of the block to find it.
On the way, we had the pleasure of seeing an old caboose, farm equipment and a little log cabin.

Hardin County Farm Museum

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Hardin County Farm Museum is a little different than most museums I have visited because it holds a lot of good memories. My family and I have attended pancake breakfasts and political events there, and often went to their annual Threshing Day. The photos in this post are from August 2016, when Charity, Yai and I attended Threshing Day.
Back in the good old days, Papa would often play chess with a local man, Gary. We children enjoyed a coin scramble, and plenty of good, old-fashioned games like corn hole, a canning ring toss, and trying to drop clothespins in an apple juice jar.

The Wells Hotel

Sunday, December 24, 2017

In the little town of Wellsburg stands the Wells Hotel. If I recall correctly, it is a house that once was owned by George Wells and served as a residence for farmhands. The house was purchased by the city to serve as a historical museum in the 1990s.
Although I live nearby, I had never visited the museum until August 2016, when I decided to make the trip with Yai. The museum was pretty much what one would expect to see in a historic home in a small town.

Bremer County Museum

Friday, December 22, 2017

If you want to see everything in one place, it may be time to visit the Bremer County Historical Society Museum in Waverly. Regardless of whether you're looking for historic documents, wild African game, wedding dresses, vintage Valentine's cards, musical instruments, crime, or floral pieces made from human hair, you'll be in the right place. This bountiful and varied collection encompasses a myriad of tales from years ago in Bremer County. Charity, Kathleen and I visited the museum in October 2016.
The museum is open from May to October during limited hours throughout the week.  Musical instruments inside included several melodians and  pump organs, all equipped with plenty of sheet music.